
Showing posts from May, 2018

How State Testing Affects Students

Within the past two decades, standardized state testing in schools has come under more scrutiny than ever before—and for good essay review online . With the implementation of new policies in 2002, standardized tests are being used to not only monitor student achievement but also gauge the performance of teachers, administrators, and entire school districts as well. Since the passage of the No Child Left Behind Act in 2002, children in grades three through eight and high school are required to undergo standardized proficiency tests in math, English, and language arts. The results of these tests are calculated using an “adequate yearly progress” (AYP) gauge. If schools don’t meet their AYP achievement targets over a certain length of time, they can lose their district funding or even be closed for good. These circumstances have led to heightened concerns over the effectiveness of these tests as well as concerns over whether or not the tests impose unnecessary stress upon teachers and s...

We Are The Country Our Founders Worried About

I believe we reached "peak government" way before the turn of the last century. I've always felt that the world wide web would be the savior of truth and justice. (Just not in my lifetime.) I think the Founding Fathers were as divided over the role of a national government in the Union as we as a people ever have been in more modern times of online essay writing. Patrick Henry, arguing in 1788 at the Virginia Ratification Debates against Virginia's joining the new Union. These comments predate Madison's commitment to prepare and submit a Bill of Rights . (Think about this: These words were spoken almost 300 years ago...) The honorable gentleman who presides told us that, to prevent abuses in our government, we will assemble in Convention, recall our delegated powers, and punish our servants for abusing the trust reposed in them. O sir, we should have fine times, indeed, if, to punish tyrants, it were only sufficient to assemble the people! ...

Spring Clean Your Body and Mind With These Anti-Inflammatory Foods

Spring is finally here! Who else is ready for a little refresh? The change in seasons presents the perfect opportunity to reboot our minds, bodies and homes! Today we’re sharing science-backed info on the ingredients we’ll be adding to our meals this spring. Their anti-inflammatory properties are perfect for detoxing your body and energizing your mind. Garlic Garlic makes everything taste so much better. And it has tremendous effects on your body. Garlic has been found to enhance phase 2 detoxification (during which your liver breaks down toxins to make them less harmful), so adding it to your diet is an amazing way to cleanse your system. Brazil Nuts Brazil nuts are packed with detoxifying properties. They are high in selenium, which helps form glutathione (a powerful antioxidant) in your body. One study found that eating just two Brazil nuts a day improves anti-inflammatory responses in the body. Plus, they’re known to improve your mood and boost your heart function! Turmeric We love...

Breaking the Seven Myths about Depression

We all have these moments of highs and lows, like being upset when you lose your job or the guy you have been dating for three years broke up with you. We fall down yet we find a way to keep ourselves moving forward. But if the dreadful feeling lasts for more than two weeks and you suddenly notice you’re not getting any better, you might be going through depression. Depression is a big word. It is a common yet serious mood disorder that affects a person’s thinking process which reflects how he handles daily routines like eating, socializing, working, and sleeping. In fact, it carries a high risk of self-destruction or suicide. Depression can happen to anyone, even to children and adolescents. Though it’s a “common” disorder, there are a lot of misconceptions about depression. Before helping someone or yourself out, you should first break some false beliefs to draw a line between depression and everyday ups and downs. “It is normal to be depressed” Depression is not a kind of mo...

Simple Ways To Deal With Homework Stress

Homework stress is a common problem among students. If you count yourself to be one among them, step back and think carefully about taking things back in control. Here are six stress relief tactics to follow. Take A Deep Breath: This is something that we all can do. Take a deep breath to let the air completely fill your lungs. You will notice your lower belly rise. If focusing on your breath feels doesn’t relax you, then try counting up to ten.The aim is to calm the fight-or-flight response but is super helpful when you’re working on a challenging assignment project. Take Short Breaks: Take some time to build two types of breaks into your work schedule – tiny breaks that last for a few minutes and longer breaks for a maximum of one hour. If the weather is nice and you haven’t seen the outdoors in a while, try walking around. It can refresh your thoughts to gain perspective. If you have time for a coffee break, then try sitting away from your workspace with your beverage and enj...


A lot of people complain that they have a miserable life and can’t achieve success and some even argue that success is unachievable. But what about people who have actually achieved it? The only difference between those who achieve and those who don’t is that the latter don’t know the laws of success and don’t have enough determination to follow them. On some point, they just stop trying and even stop believing in their ability to be successful. The truth is that life is gracious only to those who are persistent in their desires and state of mind. All people have equal opportunities to move forward and succeed, it’s just that not all people can see it. You can argue that those who are born in slums and those who are born in rich families have very different chances to succeed, but real-life examples show us that sometimes people from slums become society’s top class, while those from rich families can easily hit the rock bottom. While external conditions play their role, what’s insi...

8 Reasons Why Home Is The Start Of A Healthy Lifestyle

#1 It is a good investment Purchasing a property is a good investment. If you plan to stay in your home for a long time, the value of the property would increase and will give you a substantial return on your investment.  Moreover, investing in a property will give you a lot of options. Apart from owning it, you can opt to rent it out and make it as a generating income, or even sell it to a potential home investor. And if you are keen when it comes to this kind of investment, you will surely get a desirable outcome. #2 Greater privacy For many, privacy is one important thing one should have – and owning a home is one. When you own your home, you will not have to worry about the things you want to do. You can freely do what you want without disturbing the neighbors, or being reprimanded for being noisy and lazy. Not to mention the valuable things you need to keep hidden at home. #3 Leisure time There is nothing more satisfying than doing what you like at home. Right? If y...

4 Ways A Dog Can Make Your Life Better

For more than 15000 years, dogs have been living up to their reputation of being man’s best friends. While most owners are clear about how a dog improve their lives quality, research has shown that there is an actual bond between human and dogs. They impact us emotionally, psychologically and physically, all of which contribute to a better well-being of both humans and dogs. Here are some ways that a dog can make your mba writing better. Make sure you always remember to treat your friends with paws well and feed them with the best dry dog food. 1 . A dog relieves your heart disease The American Heart Association claims that owning a dog links to lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels. The survival rate for dog owners with heart attacks is 1 in 87, while only 1 in 15 of heart attack victims without a pet survive. Another study suggests that a person who often suffers from blood pressure also have lower heart rate and blood pressure when a dog is present. Only 5 months after...