Don't Be Afraid to Congratulate Your Competition

Don't be afraid to congratulate your competition.
I always try to congratulate my fellow Dissertation to buy  professionals when I read articles about them, or if they made a phenomenal order or even when they get a really great writing.
We all like to be congratulated and like to be recognized for our accomplishments. It is even more meaningful when that recognition comes from one of our peers it is much more appreciated.
There is always enough business to go around.
Brokers should be happy for other agents that are doing well, especially because it actually helps all of us in the end. It helps to lift us all. It helps the entire industry as a whole.
We all understand how much hard work goes into getting a deal closed.  Even though it may seem easy to an outsider, they don't fully understand all of the intricacies and challenges that we face in every transaction.  I have always tried to congratulate other agents on their success because I know how hard it is to put a deal together and it takes a great deal of hard work and expertise.
It takes savvy experienced professionals to be successful in Real Estate
Our industry has become much more complex and it takes a savvy experienced professional to be successful these days over the long haul. I survived the economic crash and am still in business and thriving and recently passed my twentieth year anniversary.  
Pick up the phone...Send an email or text and say Congratulations!
So the next time you read something great about one of your fellow Realtors, send them an email, text or pick up the phone and say Congratulations! Don't ever be afraid to congratulate your competitors for a job well done! In the end we all benefit and I can guarantee you that agent will remember the call and have a greater amount of respect for you as well.


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