Top 5: Best-Selling Albums Of All Time

Music always followed people. Folk songs and traditional rhythms existed since the times immemorial. Later it developed to Bach, Chopin, Andrea Bocelli, Metallica and contemporary pop. Music gained its highest popularity together with technical progress. As soon as people became to be able to listen to it at home at 1950-s, it captured all their spare time, thoughts and talks.
More than 70-ty years passed since that time. Thus, it is a high time to resume and choose the most successful projects. Our professional writers selected the most selling 5 albums in the USA. You should know what you can miss.

28 million – Eagles Their Greatest Hits

The album was released in 1976. It contains the best hits of the first four albums of the group since 1971 till 1975. The best known song is Hotel California. The album is considered as the most successful music project of the 20th century. Only Thriller of Michael Jackson could beat it.

26 million – Michael Jackson Thriller

It is the sixth album of the singer. Just in a year it became very popular and sold 66 million copies. Album brought many changes into the artist’s life and history of American music. First of all, it ruined rational barriers, as black Michael could meet the president of the USA and was regularly shown on MTV. Secondly, it evidenced that videos can play a nice promotional role for music songs. The album contains 7 out-standing singles. “Billie Jean”, “Beat It”, “The Girl Is Mine” are the most popular of them.

23 million – Pink Floyd The Wall

The eleventh album of the rock group was released in 1979. Firstly, it met a lot of critiques, but sooner gained the first positions of American and British Charts. It is a story of personal isolation, alienation, and drugs. Bad parents, wicked classmates and unhappy marriage themes make it sad and brilliant at the same time.

22 million – Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin IV

Released in the USA and United Kingdom in the 1971 year album is recognized as a peak of group popularity. Other years of the group work could not demonstrate even the half of its success. The most popular single of it is well-known Stairway to Heaven. Later in 1982, the film with the same title appeared on the big screen too.

21 million – Billy Joel Greatest Hits

The collection of the best songs of the singer was released twice with 12 years break. The first part was produced in 1985, the second – in 1997. “Hey Girl”, “The Night is Still Young”, “To Make You Feel My Love” are the greatest of the great hits of the singer’s albums from 1973 till 1985.
There is no future without past. It is great to know the history of contemporary music, but it is also worth to listen to distinguished by decades past hits. Many of them were re-released and resung, but originals are always the best.


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