People from This Climate Have the Best Personalities

If each U.S. state were a high school clique, Californians would be the “cool kids.” And now there’s scientific evidence to write my essay online for cheap . Unsurprisingly, it’s thanks in large part to the beautiful weather. According to a new study recently published in the journal Nature Human Behavior, people who grew up in milder climates (like Cali) are likely to be more social and emotionally even-keeled than those who were raised in more extreme weather conditions. The study followed a whopping 1.6 million people residing in different climates throughout China and the United States. It discovered a direct correlation between the type of climate people grow up in and their overall personality. Pretty fascinating, right? “Clement (i.e., mild) temperatures encourage individuals to explore the outside environment, where both social interactions and new experiences abound; by contrast, when the ambient temperature is either too hot or too cold...